Message from JT Group CEO
Under the JT Group’s 4S model, we strive to fulfill our responsibilities to our valued consumers, shareholders, employees and the wider society. This management principle enables us to carefully consider the respective interests of these four key stakeholders, and exceed their expectations whenever we can. The JT Group Purpose “Fulfilling Moments, Enriching Life” further clarifies the best direction for the JT Group to maintain its sustainability.
The shared values and ethical conduct defined in the "JT Group Compliance Policy" lay the foundation upon which we can realize the JT Group Purpose and foster sustainable growth over the mid- to long-term in pursuit of the 4S model. This JT Group-wide policy also sets the standards for our business-specific Codes of Conduct which provide sound guidance for our daily behaviors and actions.

Adhering to the prescribed behaviors and actions set out in our Codes of Conduct will not only inspire a high level of trust from consumers and other stakeholders, but also safeguard colleagues, contribute to cultivating employee-friendly workplaces, and foster an open and transparent corporate culture.
We ask that you carefully read the Code of Conduct for your business in order to fully understand and practice our compliance standards. If you are ever unsure whether an action violates or has the risk of violating a Code of Conduct, consult your line manager or contact “Your Voice,” our independent and confidential reporting mechanism.
Masamishi Terabatake
JT Group CEO
“I commit to leading efforts to ensure Code of Conduct compliance within the JT Group.”