Our role in society

Ensuring fair competition

We firmly believe that free and fair competition benefits JTI, our customers and our consumers.

What does this mean for JTI?

We are committed to competing fairly in all markets and in full compliance with competition laws. In JTI we comply with our Competition Law Policy.

What does this mean to me as an employee?

I have a responsibility to know the rules of fair competition and be aware of the limits they set. I understand and comply with the JTI Competition Law Policy at all times.
In particular in all activities I determine JTI’s commercial strategies and take decisions independently from our competitors and in the interest of JTI alone without consultation or concertation with competitors, or access to competitors’ Competitively Sensitive Information.
I understand that Competitively Sensitive Information is: (i) non-public information (ii) on which companies compete with each other (iii) which can be traced back to individual companies and (iv) relating to current or intended market behavior, the sharing of which would harm effective and fair competition in the market.
I do not enter into agreements that have as their aim or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition.
I do not prevent that customers remain free to make their own business decisions on how they deal with their customers and how they behave and compete in the market.
I protect Competitively Sensitive Information belonging to JTI and do not share it directly or indirectly with competitors. I do not accept Competitively Sensitive Information relating to competitors directly from competitors or indirectly from any source.
I do not communicate Competitively Sensitive Information belonging to a trade customer with other trade customers.
I always keep clear written records of contacts and meetings with competitors, trade association and industry bodies by preparing agendas and accurate meeting minutes.
I consult a member of the Legal team orally and immediately if I suspect any incidence of anti-competitive activity in my business area, or if I have any questions about competition laws and how they relate to my work.

What does this mean for our business partners?

Business partners, including: customers, consultants and data vendors, are responsible for understanding and complying with applicable competition laws and maintaining the confidentiality and security of JTI Competitively Sensitive Information. They should be clear that JTI does not seek or accept Competitively Sensitive Information of our competitors.
We do not communicate Competitively Sensitive Information belonging to a trade customer with other trade customers. JTI will not enter into agreements or participate in concerted practices that have as their aim or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition.


  • Apply the same care to face-to-face conversations, emails and text messages as to a letter or a memorandum.
  • Treat trade association meetings in the same way as a meeting with a competitor.
  • Keep an accurate record of what was discussed during meetings with competitors, trade associations or industry bodies.

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